About the Governance category

Welcome to the Governance category!

The purpose of this area of the Penumbra forum is to provide a place for drafted governance proposals to be discussed ahead of their proposal on the network.

Standard Practice for posting a Penumbra Proposal:

  1. Propose a Governance subject for discussion, or submit a draft.
  2. Discuss until there is consensus on the accuracy of the content of the proposal
  3. The proposer should then submit their formed .toml file for review ahead of proposing it to the network. A guide on how to do so can be found here.
    3a) If a Parameter Change Proposal, the contents of the proposal should be checked for accuracy and assurance.
    3b. If a SignalingProposal, then the content of the proposal should be checked for accuracy against the discussion that precedes the .toml’s submission.
  1. The .toml file can then be submitted to the network.

All proposals are anonymous on the network from their submission address. Once consensus has been found over the proposal’s submission and the toml file has been created, anyone can propose it to the network.

Happy proposing!